a NEW Desktop!
"Just one look at the desktop in Mac OS X Leopard says you’ve arrived someplace new. From the menu bar to the stunning new Dock, Leopard is designed to help you enjoy the time you spend at your computer — and help you get more out of it." -from apple.com
so what is new to it's desktop.. a transparent menu bar (but I don't really like it.. and my Powerbook G4 had the Opaque menu bar hehe so I guess it's the Video card.. at least it knows how to adjust to the system ;P), a 3D Dock, and Stacks (which I really really like)
Desktop showing Stacks

what's new in Finder? It has been revamped, and you could notice that the sidebar is much more organized than it was in Tiger. Hard drives are under DEVICES and individual folders are under PLACES. They even integrated Spotlight onto it under SEARCH FOR, so more or less just click on that (eg: All Images) and it will show the files on the dot! ;)

"Quicklooking" a powerpoint file

Next stop would be... Time Machine, Spaces, and many more! ;)
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