Tuesday, October 30, 2007

First Impressions: Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard: DESKTOP and FINDER

Here's a short rundown of some of the new features introduced in Leopard ;)

a NEW Desktop!
"Just one look at the desktop in Mac OS X Leopard says you’ve arrived someplace new. From the menu bar to the stunning new Dock, Leopard is designed to help you enjoy the time you spend at your computer — and help you get more out of it." -from apple.com

so what is new to it's desktop.. a transparent menu bar (but I don't really like it.. and my Powerbook G4 had the Opaque menu bar hehe so I guess it's the Video card.. at least it knows how to adjust to the system ;P), a 3D Dock, and Stacks (which I really really like)

Desktop showing Stacks
What Stacks do is that it "spring loads" user created folders right on the dock for easier access. By default, the stacks upon install is the download folder. You can make as many stacks as you like ;)

what's new in Finder? It has been revamped, and you could notice that the sidebar is much more organized than it was in Tiger. Hard drives are under DEVICES and individual folders are under PLACES. They even integrated Spotlight onto it under SEARCH FOR, so more or less just click on that (eg: All Images) and it will show the files on the dot! ;)
Leopard also introduced a new way of looking into the files/icons in the folder. It is the COVER FLOW view.. (if you're an iTunes user, you'll know what this is) EYE CANDY! ;)
and lastly QUICKLOOK is new in finder too! I find this very very very useful. With this feature, you don't have to open an application in order to view the file, like opening Word for documents, Powerpoint for presentations, iTunes/Quicktime for music/video files. You can view it by pressing the spacebar and it would popup and you would be able to browse the file ;) here are screenshots..

"Quicklooking" a powerpoint file
Quicklooking a .doc file
Quicklooking a Movie file
Next stop would be... Time Machine, Spaces, and many more! ;)

Upgrading to Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard! :D Switch to Mac! FAST! :D

My very first upgrade of Mac OS X. Upgrading from 10.4 (Tiger) to 10.5 (Leopard) was a breeze! Took almost 1 hour 30 mins to do the simple update, you just go through a series of steps and just leave your mac to upgrade. And... my Powerbook G4 of 2 years didn't get sluggish after the update, it was even faster ;) Thanks Apple! :D

I remembered my MS Windows upgrading days... from Windows 98 to windows XP.. and to think that my PC at that time was just one year old! It became very slow... it's system configuration was at the bottom... geesh! I'm so glad that I switched to Mac! I wonder how Vista is doing?! I heard that it's even slow on the new systems! tsk tsk...

My Powerbook G4 is faster after I upgraded!

Now let us compare the system requirements of Leopard and Vista..

This is Windows Vista MINIMUM System requirements.. to be able to run the cheapest version VISTA BASIC...
  • 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
  • 512 MB of system memory
  • 20 GB hard drive with at least 15 GB of available space
  • Support for DirectX 9 graphics and 32 MB of graphics memory
  • DVD Drive
  • Audio Output
  • Internet access (fees may apply)
Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard MINIMUM system requirements..
  • Mac computer with an Intel, PowerPC G5, or PowerPC G4 (867MHz or faster) processor
  • 512MB of memory
  • DVD drive for installation
  • 9GB of available disk space
  • Some features require a compatible Internet service provider; fees may apply.
  • Some features require Apple's .Mac service; fees apply.
Notice the differences?! I put the MAJOR difference in BOLD ;)

next stop.. first impressions on the 300 NEW features in Leopard! ;)

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Desperate Housewives... Desperate RACISTS!

On the eve of studying for 2 exams tomorrow... heard the news about this show.. Desperate housewives, about a line by Teri Hatcher's character saying "I need to check your diplomas.. so that I'm sure that you're not from some medical schools in the Philippines." This was a BIG BIG BLOW to the Filipinos.. especially those in the medical fields. I can't believe that Americans are racists! The nerve of them hiring Filipino professionals to their country! Seeking medical care.. education, etc! I'm sure that this writer doesn't research well! A lot of foreigners prefer to study Medicine here in the Philippines. I bet that this writer doesnt even know that the US is hiring thousands of Filipino nurses until the year 2010! Maybe he should try coming here in the Philippines and see how medicine is taught here! I, for one, is studying medicine, and the training is very hard! It's not an easy task! But I can say.. that Filipino doctors CARE about their patient. We have ethics! We practice STEWARDSHIP. We are trained as COMPASSIONATE and COMPETENT doctors.

I can't believe how ignorant this writer is... Well.. I haven't watched Desperate Housewives yet.. what this show is about.. so I won't comment about this show..

The television network airing this show and the writers and actors SHOULD apologize. In my opinion.. it is also the actor's/actress' choice if they will really follow the script.. I think they should be smart enough and also be very aware of the words written in the script.. if the words contained are offending...

so please sign this petition... http://www.petitiononline.com/FilABC/petition.html