liked it very much, the plot was different. It was not predictable, the actors/actresses portrayed their character very well. Their characters were hard to understand, u can't tell what was going on in their mind.
although the ending was very surprising.. morbid.. which made me remember our "radio play" for speech when i was still in highschool. although ours was funny hehe
anyway, another time for my Heartbeat! :D
*beep beep* *beep beep*
" When you're in love, it is as if everything is right, you deny any possibility of error... so when you fall in love, don't fall too hard, it is not the falling down that hurts...
it's the sudden stop..."
the moment i read this quote that i received, i was dumb struck... i read it over and over again... this hit me hard.. very hard... this, i think, was what happened to me... although at first.. i didnt feel the pain for i was so mad.. so angry with what was happening to me. i didnt realized how much it hurts.. until now.. now that i have time to think and think..
this quote is so right... this was what i was afraid of happening... the sudden stop... i've pondered about this before when i was in HS. i've thought of what will happen if i have a girlfriend and then right in the middle of the relationship i stopped loving her.. what i should do, what i should say... will it hurt?
now it happened... i wasnt prepared, because liking and loving someone drives your thoughts away from thinking of the bad things that may happen.. Loving makes you blind... just as a quote say.. " It is in loving that you'll find someone PERFECT.." it was right.. always right... i remembered with what happened to my best bud.. he found a girl, whom he thought of being perfect.. then things went wrong... it was during those times that he found out the things that he was not able to see before... things about the girl that he couldnt imagined to be of the girl...
yes.. it hurt... it is painful, as painful as being dumped by someone you like.. as painful as seeing someone you like with another person that makes her happy...
I've moved on, ready to embrace a new person, whom i hope i will find...
First.. Second... now's the Third.. i hope i'll find her.. i hope this time it will be right..
Heartbeat... 7

a big thanks to "the otter side"
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