Sunday, October 02, 2005


It has been a while... missed posting... been only posting lyrics of songs and some interesting "articles"

anyway.. so what's up for me?

all i can say is S-T-R-E-S-S...

I really have no time for myself, well, not entirely.. but all i do when i go online is to just check my mail, then some forums that i frequent.. BNCXE n Philmug.. and that's it.. sometimes i just download songs..

i miss watching the movies.. that last that i've watched so far was The Longest Yard. It was a good movie. I enjoyed it. And i watched it with my thesis group mates! :D

Anyway, I just finished downloading The Corpse Bride but i havent really started watching it. Although i opened it once just to check if the quality was ok. Guess I'll be watching it next friday.. Maybe my ONLY rest day Next week. Coz the week after that.. FINALS!

Studies... Well, so far so good.. although most og my major subjects are on the rocks.. near passing.. My quizzes so far this finals period are ok, except for Genetics and Embryo.. did a big booboos on the first quizzes.

Genetics lab.. a bit stressing... crossing/breeding fruit flies was not an easy job... we have to isolate VIRGIN females... argh already did three crosses but they died.. luckily, the last one that i did was successful. On it's 4th day, there are larvae ! Yippee! Crossing my fingers now... hope it continues..

BioSoc latest project.. Hale Concert... APPROVED!!! NOw... reserving the Med Auditorium....
BioQuartz 2nd release is on the way... just waiting for the articles... :D

It's been 5 months since i switched to Mac! :D And i have no regrets... although one regret is that it really is "expensive" owning one... the range of accessories available are just too hard to resist! hehe Been using the Mighty Mouse for a week now. And so far, i'm loving it, no regrets! Very light! Even lighter than my old "portable" mouse. Recently bought 3M BumpOn. A cheaper alternative of the SpeedBalls.. but i have used it yet..

What can i really say in switching... I think i really made the right decision :) I've been working more effectively. It NEVER crashed.. in 5 straight months! before when i make a powerpoint presentation i would really have to save the work once in every slide coz there is a 70% chance that it will just crash. now, i dont really have to worry about saving my work every now and then as i work through it. Mac never fails to surprise me everyday.. now if only Yahoo would update the YM for Mac..... ;)

Just heard my parents love story ;) will post them on my next update! :D I still have to do my SCL9 project...

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