Thursday, November 18, 2004

Try solving this :D hehe BioChem

An unknown decapeptide was isolated. Complete hydrolysis of this peptide gave F(2), A, G, C,K,N,T,W, and V. Treatment with carboxypeptidase releases A. Reaction with Edman's reagent gave PTH-T and a nonapeptide. The nonapeptide was treated with trypsin and gave 2 peptides, (V-C-G-A) and (N-F-F-W-K). Give he sequence of this decapeptide.


another one

You have isolated from a fungues an octapeptide that prevents baldness and you wish to determine its amino acid sequence. The amino acid composition is K(2),D,Y,F,G,S,A. Reaction of the intact peptide with dansyl chloride yields dansyl-A. Cleaveg with trypsin yields peptides whose compositions are K,A,S and G,F,K . Then reaction with chymotrypsin releases free D, a tetrapeptide with composition K,S,F,A and a tripeptide whose compositiong following acid hydrolysis is G,K,Y. What is the amino acid sequence?

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