Yeah.. it has been a long time... Med life.. is really something...
Been a pretty disappointing 2nd Shifting for me... i failed BioChem exam.. and I'll be taking the remedials for sure.. Neuro ana... really caught me off guard... I studied well.. and yet i still failed... saw my class standing for Ethics.. and i need 3 points to pass... hope i pass this shifting.. or else i'll be taking remedials on the 23rd... this is so... disappointing...
Yes.. the title is about virtues.. And i know.. i'm failing bioethics.. But it doesnt mean that i dont learn anything from it... as far as i can say.. it really helps a lot now.. that i'm facing these trials.. These virtues that i need to live by being a medical student..
Persevere.. Courage.. Optimism.. Integrity.. and of course Joy :D and the most important Prayerfulness
Persevering despite these failing grades.. Courage in facing difficult terms, facts, etc.. Optimism that I will pass :D And yes i'm still enjoying! :D new knowledge feeing my thirst for it
although there are times when i think of quitting.. one of my friend is almost quitting because of the pressure of medicine life, getting low grades, etc.. different factors come to play and yes I too sometimes is on leaning to the path of quitting..
But there's this one thing that always stops me from thinking of it.. I think it's because I still have this passion burning inside of me "I want to be a doctor!" And i hope it stays burning until the end ;)
Oh yes, there's this one chinese song that i'm listening to.. title is 信仰 (Believing) by 王宏恩. the part of the song
我不知道要怎麼走 (親愛的孩子你有你的方向)狩獵為何不能活 (親愛的孩子山林給你力量)
沒有你到地怎麼過 (親愛的孩子信仰給你希望).
The two bolded parts are my favorite. "I don't know where to go (my dear child, you have your path) Without you, how will i go through this (my dear child, believing will give you hope)" And my path is to be a doctor, and believing that I can and will go through that hard path is giving me the strength and hope that I will reach it someday...